Hello, my name is Susanne von der Heydt. I am a pediatric surgeon and mother of 4 children. To have healthy, happy children it takes so much! Child-centered medicine is just one part of it. Every child is unique and always challenges us at every age. I look forward to caring for your children and you with my medical expertise, as well as my experience as a mother.
- Specialist for pediatric surgery
- 24 years physician at the Charité (1996 – 2020)
- Specialization in vascular tumors (e.g. hemangiomas) and congenital vascular malformations
- Since April 2022 scientific and clinical collaboration with the „Interdisciplinary Center for Vascular Anomalies (IZG)“ of the University Hospital Halle
- Additional qualification in laser medicine
- Additional qualification Child Protection in Medicine
- Master of Public Health

Member of the Board and Treasurer of the Medical Association Berlin

Pediatric surgical mission in Guinea Bissau, Africa, with the Hammer Forum, March 2021
- German Society for Pediatric Surgery (DGKCH)
- German Society for Child Protection in Medicine (DGKIM)
- German interdisciplinary society for vascular anomalies (Diggefa)
- KLUG German Climate Change and Health Alliance